Where can I buy?

I just found out about this and I LOVE it. I need this. Website has it SOLD OUT for USA. I dont want to try a 3rd party website cause they want x2 the price and I dont think I will get it. Does Anybody know where I can get a Flipperzero in the USA? Please Help me out. Thankyou.

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Unfortunately you may just have to wait for a restock. I had to wait for quite a while. There is an account on Twitter that tracks stock.

Do you happen to have the name of the Twitter account on hand?

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@FlipperLocator always seems to know when stock is coming and tracks it programmatically.

so when is it coming?
i been waiting along time

I hope you’re paying attention then. @flipperlocator says

Restock has been announced to occur in 50 minutes! 12:00pm CST.