Use SubGhz key file with Linux USB SDR for ceiling fans remote

Looking through I’ve seen a few similar postings but not quite what I’m looking for. I’ve got several SubGhz files with Freq, Preset and Protocol in them that I can use flipper to turn my ceiling fans off and on. These are NOT raw files, just simply text.

I’d like to use a Linux server, or a Raspberry Pi to send the signal but I haven’t been able to find out how to do that since the sub file is only text and isn’t raw. Also, the freq is 390 so I can’t use any of the 433 examples show here. I’ve got a spare USB SDR and was hoping to use that to ‘replay’ the signals to turn on the fans.

The example of doing this in home assistant is exactly what I’m looking for. But I’d settle for doing it via a bash script or something.

Preset is FuriHalSubGhzPresetOok650Async


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I’m not sure why the “433 examples” aren’t applicable to 390 but you can use the CLI(Command Line Interface) of the Flipper to record the raw signal if that would help.

What SDR do you have? Many can’t transmit but I’m not familiar with any that can’t receive. i would think you could use the SDR to capture the signals as well.

The 433 examples I found only showed a transmitter that worked on the 433 freq. If I could find something that would transmit on 390 I’d use that.

You are correct, my SDR will not transmit. It does appear that the Raspberry Pi will transmit if I put a wire on the correct GPIO. But I’m still not sure how to replay that signal.

Also, I don’t need the RAW as far as I know? Isn’t there some way to concert that .sub file into something that can be transmitted? Or, do I have to make a RAW recording in order to be able to retransmit it? I’m still trying to learn all this obviously!

The raw signal would be the easiest to use in my opinion since you plan to use the Raspberry PI GPIO pin unless you have a library for whatever protocol you have. The raw sub basically describes how to recreate the signal. It might say something like 390000000khz on off keying then a list of numbers that tells the transmitter how long to turn on and off in milliseconds.

The Flipper uses a cc1101 so if the Flipper can read and replay the signal a cc1101 should be able to as well. You could research that as a possibility for a cheap transceiver.

I’ll try and capture the RAW file instead of what I have now. Right now it’s just text and then a Bit and a Key but the key looks like it’s hex
Key: 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 DF

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