Unique Flipper Zero name

If the Flipper Zero Dolphin’s name is unique per device and can not be changed. then this would an identifier for each device. Do you keep records of the device name for every device sold? If so, why? WHY is name hardwired into the device?


Someone already hacked the names so you can change them on some firmware.


It can’t be changed. It’s written on the one-time programmable memory of the flipper. What the hack does is read the name from a edited text string on the firmware or whatever instead of reading the name on the one-time programmable memory. If you were to re-install official firmware the name that is original would be back to the flipper.


which firmwhere and do you know how to emmulate confirmed purchases

What do you mean by emulate confirmed purchases?

you can make the register or transaction device say that you paid with no currency and it prints off your receipt

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That’s interesting I had not heard of that.

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Does anyone know how to access the name in code?
Read only of course.

From a quick research I would say Dolphin* dolphin = furi_record_open(RECORD_DOLPHIN);

It is open source. So you need to find a place in the Flipper, where the name is printed. I started with ‘passport’. Search in the code where the passport is handled lead me to: https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/applications/settings/dolphin_passport/passport.c

Of course I could go deeper in the furi_record_open function, to check if I am right… but no.


Gold Star!

Thanks so much!

A different approach is the about dialog in https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware/blob/dev/applications/settings/about/about.c at line 99:

const char* my_name = furi_hal_version_get_name_ptr();
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