Triton Shower Remote Start Button

That’s the one :+1:t2:

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Hard to find, but I will keep a lookout

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I am so happy I am not a administrator/engineer in a hospital environment. The low-tech devices you find in a hospital , that you would expect to be as secure as possible, cause lives might depend on it, the amount of unsafe equipment is scary. I rlly miss the point of improvement on useless wireless applications that cause more problems then they solve but then again, I also prefer to listen to my music from classic vinyl so i guess I am just missing the point and I am to old for this logic :slight_smile:

Yup! I know someone that was IT at a hospital. I went through so much trouble to get some better lights at a previous job because they weren’t spec(not a hospital). After lot’s of complaining the plant manager eventually gave me a meter to verify my concerns. Then when I showed him they were only half the required lumen I got an “addaboy”. I never got those lights though. Perhaps he thought I was the only one that would ever notice. Maybe that’s why I eventually got my own office in a different department. So I would stop complaining about the lights. :laughing:

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