Powershell error with Flipper firmware

Ive been trying to make a custom animation for my Flipper and I have gotten through all the steps from making the frames to making the meta.txt and editing the manifest but when I get to the step where I have to recompile the files with powershell I always get this specific error on run. I have tried everything from completely uninstalling python and reinstalling fresh, editing the path in Windows environment manager, and making sure everything was running with administrator. Does anyone have some familiarity with powershell that can assist me in finally getting these files to compile?

Thank you for any help given!

PS C:\Users\cjram> set-location 'C:\Users\cjram\Documents\GitHub\flipperzero-firmware'
PS C:\Users\cjram\Documents\GitHub\flipperzero-firmware> ./fbt updater-package
Downloading Windows toolchain..Exception calling "DownloadFile" with "2" argument(s): "An exception occurred during a WebClient request."
At C:\Users\cjram\Documents\GitHub\flipperzero-firmware\scripts\toolchain\windows-toolchain-download.ps1:24 char:5
+     $wc.Downloadfile("$toolchain_url", "$toolchain_zip_temp_path")
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebException

Downloading Windows toolchain..Exception calling "DownloadFile" with "2" argument(s): "An exception occurred during a WebClient request."
At C:\Users\cjram\Documents\GitHub\flipperzero-firmware\scripts\toolchain\windows-toolchain-download.ps1:24 char:5
+     $wc.Downloadfile("$toolchain_url", "$toolchain_zip_temp_path")
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebException

The system cannot find the path specified.
Downloading Windows toolchain..Exception calling "DownloadFile" with "2" argument(s): "An exception occurred during a WebClient request."
At C:\Users\cjram\Documents\GitHub\flipperzero-firmware\scripts\toolchain\windows-toolchain-download.ps1:24 char:5
+     $wc.Downloadfile("$toolchain_url", "$toolchain_zip_temp_path")
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebException

Python path configuration:
  PYTHONHOME = 'C:\Users\cjram\Documents\GitHub\flipperzero-firmware\toolchain\x86_64-windows\python'
  PYTHONPATH = (not set)
  program name = 'python'
  isolated = 0
  environment = 1
  user site = 0
  safe_path = 0
  import site = 1
  is in build tree = 0
  stdlib dir = 'C:\Users\cjram\Documents\GitHub\flipperzero-firmware\toolchain\x86_64-windows\python\Lib'
  sys._base_executable = 'C:\\python\\python.exe'
  sys.base_prefix = 'C:\\Users\\cjram\\Documents\\GitHub\\flipperzero-firmware\\toolchain\\x86_64-windows\\python'
  sys.base_exec_prefix = 'C:\\Users\\cjram\\Documents\\GitHub\\flipperzero-firmware\\toolchain\\x86_64-windows\\python'
  sys.platlibdir = 'DLLs'
  sys.executable = 'C:\\python\\python.exe'
  sys.prefix = 'C:\\Users\\cjram\\Documents\\GitHub\\flipperzero-firmware\\toolchain\\x86_64-windows\\python'
  sys.exec_prefix = 'C:\\Users\\cjram\\Documents\\GitHub\\flipperzero-firmware\\toolchain\\x86_64-windows\\python'
  sys.path = [
Fatal Python error: init_fs_encoding: failed to get the Python codec of the filesystem encoding
Python runtime state: core initialized
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

Current thread 0x00003fa4 (most recent call first):
  <no Python frame>

agh nevermind it was completely because of the directory