NFC Mifare card emulation

Thanks, great news.
I don’t see any successful emulation announced on Mifare cards on the forum and Discord.

That’s “survivorship bias”, people who successfully use the feature have no need to wrote about it, but the ones for who it doesn’t work do. The emulation is actually already working on about 80% of readers we have tested it on.


You’re right.
So you confirm you were able to solve the fact that the Flipper Zero NFC chip doesn’t natively support Mf classic emulation.
Great news, as I have many badges to emulate :wink:

I did test with 2 Mifare Classic 1K on “Nayax” reader/food dispenser and emulation fully works on both.

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Hi guys,
I just want to know if someone did succeed tu emule a VIGIK.
My copy is ok (all keys, all sectors) its a mifare 1.
But it’s doesn’t work when I want to emule it,
I try two different VIGIK from two différent door.