Mouse Jiggler

Hello Everybody.

With COVID-19 and everyone working from a home office, the biggest bestseller of a certain company specializing in keyloggers became mouse jigglers.
It seems that it is something Flipper Zero should be capable of doing, not out-of-the-box, but with the 3rd-party module, it could become a possibility. Especially since it hits close to the forensic theme of the Flipper.
I am interested in preparing such plugin so I hoped you could point me in the right direction. I wasn’t able to find any specification for writing plugins on the website so I would be grateful if you could tell me how to approach this topic.

I look forward to your responses.

Best regards,


It moves the mouse from time to time to prevent sleep?

O don’t know about flipper plug-ins or sideload from the main os, but you will need to write it in C or C++ as for any other stm32 device.

Maybe you can start here

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@TigPT Thank you very much for this article, very informative.
Do you know whether there are some resources about plugins for flipper? Any information about them would be great.
I was also looking for tip which technologies I should master before attempting to code this project. I am C++ developer, but I don’t have experience with microcontrollers, so I guess that would be a start. Is there anything else that would be useful?

For code only you just need to understand C++ and look at the MCU API when we have oficial announcement of the selected MCU.

If you want to play with GPIO Arduino and some basic electronics is a great starting point.

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With the optical mice, it should be possible to do it purely by graphics. The dolphin could move a bit on the display (basicaly a movement on lines is most likey required), such that the mouse detects it as movement. So you just place the mouse on the display of flipper and the dolphin could jiggle the mouse with it’s head or tale…

Forgot: The advantage of that would be that IT should not be able to notice any strange USB device. The original mouse is still connected to the PC and the dolphin trains it muscles…

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just get a digispark attiny85 usb board and use arduino code

if the aim is to keep the screen awake (prevent the device from locking itself), it’s as simple as making a badUSB script that presses shift (or any key you want for that matter) every once in a while.

AsFaBw’s suggestion of just having a flipper animation playing on the screen and placing it under an optical mouse is an ingenious one and is probably easier than my suggestion.
I would never have thought of something like that.

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Thanks a lot! Anyhow not sure if it works - but worth a trial. Would be also an aha effect to the commercial mouse jiggler’s vendors if a dolphin moves the mouse without touching the USB port:-)
And as said, the big advantage would be that it is not detectable by IT - if somebody decides to cheat about activity at work, then I would really refrain from using that bought active mouse jigglers. You may be faster fired than you can detach the jiggler:-)

I don’t think you can trick (modern) optical mice with the flipper screen but I am pretty sure the flipper will gain bad-usb and “jiggler” ability’s in the future. A digispark is what I would use now, you can even change the usb id’s to match your mouses make and model.

For me the more interesting question is why someone would use a jigger?
If you pad your hours and they don’t catch you, you will appear less productive during a time where a lot of businesses have to let people go.
And if they do find out, you could lose your job, and that is something I really wouldn’t want right now.
Of course everyone has personal circumstances, it just seems like a risky move.

For me it is otherwise around. For me it is more interesting if it would be possible to move the mouse with the flipper’s screen contents.
But I fully agree with your opinion/statements regarding the usage. For me the first strange thing is that there is a market for the jigglers. Second that users connect any strange USB device into their company laptops and risk that the USB comes with bad intent and is easily detectable by IT (I was not aware, that those sticks can change the USB ID, but most likely 70% of the users fail anyhow). I can just warn about that when I hear For those that make use of the jigglers the display driven mouse would at least avoid that users connect strange USB to company equipment.

BTW: this could be a good intro if flipper is supporting mouse jiggler action.
Flipper telling users about the risks of using a mouse jiggler and making at least an unhappy/angry face when cheating the mouse:-)

The Flipper Zero is compatible with the Arduino IDE. Maybe it is as simple as modifying existing scripts. For example:

It supports the Arduino IDE not Arduino library’s “Mouse.h” is what makes it possible on some Arduino’s. When looking for example code you should search for stm32 guides like this one: stm32-custom-usb-hid

A bit off topic, but I’ve had succes with using a watch with a seconds hand for this. So if you need a mouse wiggler right now, maybe that’s worth a shot

can’t ducky script accomplish the same thig?

Yes, with the mouse I just tested it on, the screen will indeed jiggle the mouse. It’s actually a bit too successful, and it goes a bit mad, and the cursor ended up at the top right of hte screen very rapidly.
The other option would be a plugged in device, using BadUSB or the like, but the idea of a semi-random movement of the existing mouse is by far the best!
I think you’ll need to do a little research into the screen moements required to move the mouse in a “human like way” - not every 60 seconds like clock, not ending up in the bottom left or right of a windows screen, etc - but it seems like a great first project!

I wrote a Mouse Jiggler application, for the latest firmware, that acts as a USB device and moves the mouse like other mouse jiggler apps. You can find the code for it here:


I’m not able to install the “Mouse Jiggler” plugin in my flipper can someone help or give me the instructions?! Grateful!

Sometimes it would be helpful to know what you are doing and what is not working …

If you read the link just above your comment, there is a detailed instruction.

  1. Clone the repository
    $ git clone --recursive
  2. Change to the directory
    $ cd flipperzero-firmware-mouse-jiggler
  3. Compile the app
    $ ./fbt fap_mouse_jiggler
  4. a. If there are errors: install the dependencies.
    b. If there is no error:
    Copy the file build/f7-firmware-D/.extapps/mouse_jigler.fap to your flipper.

If the firmware version matches, you can use the application. If not, maybe you should compile the whole firmware. A little easier at this point, than to clone the matching repo from github and compiling against it. In my opinion.

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