Mfkey32 request

It would be great to have flipper capture the data from the readers to generate the proper keys to decrypt mifare without the need of using debug logs and CLI, meaning an option on the GUI to turn this ON/OFF and one would for example emulate the UID and flipper would save the required data on the mfkey32 file on the SD card, the it would be even greater to have an on-line app, even better on flipper web app and option to upload the file for decryption. Keys could even be used by flipper team to add up to dictionary …

the flipper doesn’t have enough resources to handle the memory requirement so the client will eventually be offloaded onto the app currently at

it would be a bad idea to have keys automatically be published to the shared dictionary as they won’t be sanitised or verified static keys

Do you know if the detect reader option on flipper will cause the mfkey32 file to be generated on the SD card without the need to issue CLI commands ? It would be nice to be able to generate the file without the need to plug the flipper to computer/app. Also hope that they implement the mfkey app on the flipper web app as well for people that doesn’t want to compile the app. Maybe someone can post some windows pre-compiled binaries ? Regards.