How to update? I have an error each time on each computer

Failed to fetch the files: Failed to read radio manifest: JSON text is empty - such error appears. How to fix it? Just received device - database missed also.

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Same problem but i solved it.

How i did it:

  • I’ve downloaded latest release 0.69.0 from Update Server.
  • Then have rebooted f0 into dfu mode Settings → Power → Reboot → Firmware upgrade.
  • In qFlipper chose Install from file, picked downloaded dfu file, it’s flipper-z-f7-full-0.69.0.dfu now, then update.

After these steps you can upgrading normally.


Done! Great solution - just need source of firmware

Don’t use qflipper, use auto-update instead it’s way safer. Just copy the files to the SD card and run the update from flipper file explorer.