Frequency Analyzer reading 304.478 constantly

New to electronics in general. When I open the Frequency analyzer it reads around 304.200-400. I have tried it in multiple places, plugged in to the computer and away from any other electronics. no errors appearing in the logs when connected to qFlipper. What else should I try.

Are you running latest firmware? What version are you on? This issue was fixed about a week ago

I have release 0.58.1 and I also loaded MuddledBox 0.55.1 version.

And of course its not doing it anymore. I will keep testing and reply if it keeps happening.

I’ve had some sketchy performance issues with the MuddledBox firmware.

One of the issues is that when I access the music player, it automatically plays the preloaded song, but doesn’t let you choose anything from the music library.

I’ve also noticed that the flipper idle animation stays on a single one and doesn’t change to any of the other ones. Not necessarily a huge issue, but I think those little animations are a big part of the charm of the Flipper.

Another issue I had when first installing the MB firmware, I noticed that it wasn’t able to reboot automatically after installing it. Part of me wonders if that’s why there are those issues, as it wasn’t able to reboot and fully implement the firmware

We provide no support for MB firmware as it implements illegal features.

If your issue re-appears on the latest stock FW - please post it here.