Use flipperzero as Bluetooth dongle

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if its possible to create an universal Bluetooth dongle using the flipperzero. I have some base in programming but not in hardware.

( I know that there is dongle for 10€ on amazon, and I know that will not work with proprietary device ) But that would be a great new functionality, and I’m thinking of side /weekend project for me to learn new language!

But I don’t really know where to start, and I think I need the datasheet of the Bluetooth module and microcontroller but I cannot find it on the documentation! Am I missing something ?

Thx for your help!

The flipper zero brings just a limited Bluetooth stack, because of storage limitations. So I don’t think your idea will work.

Maybe it will be possible to use a full BT Stack with a custom firmware.
Maybe it is possible to use a BT extension via GPIO port.

This is not in focus of the development.

Thank you for your answer but what do you mean when you say limited Bluetooth stack? It can already emulate mouse and keyboard natively, connect to phone, transfert data directly, update firmware. So what is limited?

And why storage is a problem? To store de drivers or smthing like that?

I’ve just searched for ‘bluetooth stack’ and got for example Idea - Bluetooth scanner : - #5 by Astra as result. And @Astra should know the internals better than I do.

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There is not a lot of information in the shared topic but that’s the start of something! Thx, I made a search before posting my subject ( only few post on Blt but this one didn’t trigger my attention).

I hope Astra will take the time to share information! Anyway thanks a lot for your support!

In fact I don’t believe there is not more information to share.
Bluetooth is at the moment not in focus of the development. It works a intended, for working with mobile phones.

There is a roadmap here: flipperzero-firmware/ at dev · flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware · GitHub

But the main point is: The full Bluetooth Stack needs space at the internal storage. The space is limited to 1MB. So if you want full Bluetooth, you need to sacrifice other modules. This won’t happen in the official branch.

What are the capabilities of the lite stack would be interesting, indeed.