U2F over NFC

If I understand correctly FIDO also uses U2F and they don’t seem to send weird packets* (like mifare classic where the parity bit is encrypted)
So my question is if it is possible to implement U2F over NFC in software?



Just read the following on the kickstarter Q&A:

“Right now we are testing U2F only via USB. But will try to implement it via Bluetooth and NFC.”


I would love to see this implemented! I was thinking on getting my own ubikey but if they would be able to be supported with NFC, it would be that much better. If there is a timeframe on this or anywhere that would need help, maybe the community can assist. :slight_smile:

There’s no timeframe at the moment as we’re not sure if we’re going to implement this in the official FW at all

You can implement it on your own tho

I would really like to see this feature brought to the flipper firmware! I feel like it would be user useful