Testers wanted Dollar General Doorbell Pro Essentials

Here is an image and sub file. I’m trying to determine if each one has a different ID. If you have one and the file works please provide feedback. If it doesn’t work please provide your own capture of the file. I will try to capture more myself but samples from other places would be helpful.

Pro_essentials_doorbel.sub (170 Bytes)


With a sample size of two, it would appear they all use the same button signal. The sub files look the same, and just to be sure, I confirmed your .sub works with the unit I picked up this evening.

Edit: Almost forgot. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emptythevoid/flipperzero/main/subghz/dollar_general_pro_essentials_wireless_doorbell/Doorbell.sub

The transmitter might be easily pressed through the blister pack - I might be able to get some cheeky scans of a couple more.


I thought about doing that. lol It seems quite likely they are all the same even with only a sample of two. I appreciate the feedback!


Any time! Gave me something fun to play with!

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