Removal of Bank Card Features

It will be moved to a separate applet in the future.

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I just modded 0.82.3 firmware with EMV and save options; it’s not that bad since all you’re doing is copy and pasting missing codes (which I use flipper unleash for that).

It was never removed. Just relocated. Click on NFC → Extra actions → read specific card type → read EMV card. It still reads bank cards just fine.

Although I could be wrong about it never being removed. I did go to the Xmonster site and add the plugins / add-ons so maybe that was part of the add-on

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What plugins do you have?

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It’s disappointing that features like emulating EID and saving card numbers have been removed, as they added convenience to the banking experience. While not essential, they provided a cool and innovative touch. Hopefully, future updates will reintroduce such functionalities to enhance user experience once again.