Option to format cards brute forcing lock password?

Another idea for flipper… an option to erase/blank/clear RFID tags and attempt to brute force passwords set to lock writting to the card by other devices like the icopy3, icopy5, etc …
Should be cool and usefull…

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I’ve already implemented that via the CLI at some point, but right now I’m waiting for RFID refactoring to finish to implement this properly and with GUI

Cool ! Is it available on CLI now ? What command is used for that ? Also is there any full list of available command line commands ? I can connect to flipper by putty and issue the CLI commands. I have some write-locked tags locked by chinese icopy5 and crappy tools like that …

In other way now that i think better having a password to lock writing would avoid readers from issuing a write command a over-write a copy detecting that the card is a copy so there might be a point of having that but the problem is if you can’t remove the password and you want to write to the tag with other device …

Maybe in the future to have an option on flipper to set a lock on re.write with a known password or user-set password might make sense as well just in case readers start erasing data on cards that are not read only… Goes without saying emulating the card will solvethat issue as well so no big deal/problem.

It’s not in the stock CLI, you need to compile it from https://github.com/wetox-team/flipperzero-firmware (or flash a release from there, but it’s quite outdated). The command is rfid clear_pass_t5577

You can list all available commands with the help or ? commands

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Thanks ! I will be looking forward to see this feature implemented on the official updated releases of the firmware ! Nice work !