New Flipper with Update Software. No Sub-1GHz Read Option


I have a flipper with the latest firmware update: f7-update-0.81.1

Under apps/Sub-GHz I only see weather Station. I don’t see any of the options listed in the docs:

I don’t see Read, Read Raw or anything. Is this something I need to install manually?


I recommend you do a “normal reboot” of the Flipper. This clears up many issues.
Check that you have a properly formatted SD card. Setting >> Storage
Check that your Flipper is reporting the correct firmware version under settings >> About

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I did the reset and everything was the same. Then I went to Settings>Storage and did SD Benchmark.

And now it seems that I can see the correct things.

Maybe it was a combination of both.



I feel you were looking in the wrong place. Read is in Menu->Sub-GHz, an weather station is in Menu->Applications->Tools.

I have the same problem. A reboot doesn’t change anything. Under Sub-GHz I have Weather Station. Under Tools I have Clock.

Where is the read function?

Is your firmware up to date(what version)?
Do you have an SD card installed?

32GB card. v0.82.3

Also, where is Settings? You mentioned Settings >> Storage and Settings >> About. Those are nowhere to be found on any of the screens. There are only 3 main menus. Apps, Browser and a menu with demo_windows and demo_macos.

The “normal reboot” has to be done without being plugged in to power or it may not work correctly. I recommend removing and reinserting the SD card. You should be able to find settings by hitting the center button and scrolling up.

It was unplugged when I did a reboot. Took the SD card out, used diskpart to blow it out and started over again from scratch. Now I can get into the correct menu area. The problem before was pressing the center button did nothing. I could only get into the 3 menu item screen I mentioned earlier by pressing down. That area seem very off to me. It offers some stuff but not all and it goes against the center button menu screen.

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