Incorrect RadioStack?

A strange thing happened. When my unit arrived, the bluetooth seemed to work. When I did the initial update, it stopped working. When running a bluetooth test in debug mode, I get an image of the SD card, with a question mark, and the words “Incorrect RadioStack”, which I’m guessing is an SD card issue. I’m using a SansDisk 64GB card, just reformatted and reloaded with all previous assets, but still no love from the bluetooth. Any ideas?

Please reboot to DFU (hold Left + Back) and repair using qFlipper

Is it possible to repair without being connected to the web? I have put my flipper into DFU, connected it to the machine I have used to update the unit, but that machine does not have a direct internet connection, so all files must be DL’d and hand carried. Are you going to tell me I need to use a machine with an internet connection?

Sadly yes, you currently need an internet connection to repair the device.

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I am experiencing the same issue, performed the steps outlined above (repair was “successful”) and still have the problem.

Please try again or on another device. The repair process should re-flash the correct radio stack.

Did it again, same deal.

not sure if this is relevant


Multiple other people in the discord chat have indicated they have this issue as well.

Pulled this from CLI in case it’s helpful


There’s an “OPEN FULL LOG” button below the log section of the qflipper. Please provide the log file that it opens

I’ll do a full repair again and provide it shortly. I was able to get into the menu but I had to modify bt_debug_app.c and recompile to remove the stack type check (lol). Can’t tell if anything is actually working though since I lack the necessary equipment. Doesn’t really fix the root of whatever is causing the problem though.

Repair completed - Same issue. “Incorrect RadioStack” is displayed. Full Log included.

qFlipper-20220501-020359.txt (51.1 KB)

I’m not sure, but there may be multiple issues here?

For me, Bluetooth works when connecting my Flipper to my Android phone (Pixel 4 XL, Android 12L). However, the Bluetooth debug app claims Incorrect RadioStack with the SD card question mark icon.

Device details:

Firmware version: 0.57.0-rc 0.57.0-rc (b501d479 built on 29-04-2022)

>: bt hci_info
Ret: 0, HCI_Version: 11, HCI_Revision: 16484, LMP_PAL_Version: 11, Manufacturer_Name: 48, LMP_PAL_Subversion: 8548

>: device_info
radio_fus_major         : 1
radio_fus_minor         : 2
radio_fus_sub           : 0
radio_fus_sram2b        : 16K
radio_fus_sram2a        : 0K
radio_fus_flash         : 24K
radio_stack_type        : 3
radio_stack_major       : 1
radio_stack_minor       : 13
radio_stack_sub         : 3
radio_stack_branch      : 0
radio_stack_release     : 2
radio_stack_sram2b      : 19K
radio_stack_sram2a      : 14K
radio_stack_sram1       : 0K
radio_stack_flash       : 120K
radio_ble_mac           : A<redacted>0

I can perform a repair if the logs would be helpful. I have done a full repair in the recent past (manually entering DFU mode).

The same thing appears to occur for mine as well. Connects via bluetooth but in debug it says “incorrect radio stack”.

Hi! Please try updating using

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I updated to the latest development build 51efe8b with qFlipper, then reinstalled the same development build using on the most recent Chromium Linux build as of 2022-5-7.

For me, Bluetooth to my phone still works, but the Debug ToolsBluetooth Debug menu still shows Incorrect RadioStack.

Turns out your radiostack is correct and everything is OK with it, it’s just that the bluetooth debug app requires a special radiostack to function

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i got a error . its unsupported radio stack if i try to update/dfu or anything else on my flipper zero , how can i fix this

Yeah just move to DEV or other versions available or swap some versions around, most likely it will be fine again and it will be just a single time panic mode of your device. It does that sometimes :slight_smile: First reboot it with default buttons, then restore DEV fw from qflipper or whatever dfu option you like, and mostly that brings it back to life like it should.