Flipper can be charged but undetected

I have the same problem with my flipper, but also it donesn’t charge

Hi, I just bought couple of months ago, maybe 3 and I wasn’t sure so I waited until I tried on 3 different Mac,(old and new) 2 PC, and some Linux Mint machines, no I am sure I need some help, should I contact warranty, or any better solution? I would be happy if not only my phone would be able to communicate with it, though bluetooth. Any solution?

I always first suggest rebooting the Flipper if you haven’t tried that. Also trying different cables. Then read this.

Depending on what FW I’m running , I reboot before charging by default cause i know this is a thingy in some forks. If it is a structural persistent thingy try to flash it to dev/original and then back to the FW you want/came from. For me just swapping around the FW to have it rewritten fixed most problems most of the times , including weird crashes or out of memory errors.

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