Copying a fob that uses IR

Thanks for the response @LupusE. I didn’t even realize the the string of integers represent on/off timings. Given the medium is IR, this make a ton of sense. I guess at this point we’re just trying to determine the correcting timing.

I’m not home currently, but when I am later today ill record the 2-4 second button holds and update with the data recorded.

The IR fob is a long range ir fob that outputs Wiegand 26bit FC adnCN. The flipper can capture and playback the signal only if you place the flipper directly on the ir receiver. The ir remote uses two IR, one is for wide and the other is for narrow. They both output the same thing… You can even remove one and it will still work, it won’t break the circuit… You will need to remove the plastic protector on the flipper that covers ir, and use the correct protocol. You will not achieve the distance and range with flipper unless you modify the leds and circuit to add 12v power.