Change Dolphin Name?

This is almost certainly answered somewhere, but i’ve been searching around and couldn’t find a topic for it:
Is it possible to change the unique dolphin name, or should i just reserve my effort for learning to love the goofy name mine was supplied by the factory?

The Dolphin name is written into the OTP (one-time programmable) memory, so changing it is not possible. However, you can edit the firmware to read the name from a string instead.

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The name of my dolphin is kinda racist. Is there a way I can have someone at HQ change it?

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Sadly no, as I said above, the name is in a read-only area of memory, changing it is physically not possible, even we can’t change it.

However, please PM me the name so we can improve our filtering systems so this won’t happen again

I would like to know that name as well just out of curiosity !

Is the flipper name 100% unique or are they re-used ? It’s like a unique serial number or there are chances for 2 devices to have the exact name ?

If the name is an issue there is a way to change the firmware to display the name written on a text string instead of getting the name from the OTP…

The names are unique and chosen from a pre-generated list at the time of manufacturing

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Ok, thanks !

You can change the name for 169$ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: you born whit a name be proud of it


While it’s hardcoded and cannot be changed in the OTP memory, you can change it by modifying the FW running on your flipper.

This can be done by forking the Official Firmware, then changing the following line:(Line 278 of furi_hal_version.c)

You would want to change this to your desired line to the following to achieve your desired name:
return "NameYouWant";


trade me ?

do the qoutes have to be there or no

Yes I’m pretty sure. it’s just part of programming

You rock.