Ansonic Remote SF 433-1 Mini/M 434 MHz Group C

add frequency to user_settings frequency 434075000

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Awesome, I didn’t know you can do that! :slight_smile: Thank you!

Here you are:
SCW Schranke x5.sub (18.3 KB)

something is bad (, the signal is “lit” last attempt. you can write the signal and move 2 meters away with the remote control from the flipper. or even FM modulation is used there

I recorded from a distance in AM and FM now:

SCW Schranke x5 2m FM.sub (155.4 KB)
SCW Schranke x5 2m AM.sub (30.2 KB)

so you have a wireless temperature sensor) and the flipper captures it normally. what say the flipper is working fine, I will also be interested in the signal from this sensor, we have support for “GT-WT03” but no support for “GT-WT02”

but we are more interested in this… (FM238)

Ah sorry, it sends in 1min intervals (I opened another topic at GT-WT02 Temp/Hum Weather Station).
Do you need another recording for the ansonic sf-433?

And yes, the Flipper works fine. I can raw-capture, decode signals and replay signals successfully for other devices! :wink:

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well, I saw it earlier) we’ll add a weather station too.
This protocol is very similar to NICE Flo. 12 bit… it would be nice if YOU made recordings with all switches off, on, and only 1 and 3 checked
only 1,3,5,7,…
only 2,4,6…

2, 4, 6, …: that was the last FM one

here’s the rest:
SCW Schranke x5 1-3-5-7-9.sub (110.8 KB)
SCW Schranke x5 all-off.sub (106.3 KB)
SCW Schranke x5 all-on.sub (136.5 KB)
SCW Schranke x5 only-1-3.sub (108.6 KB)


check the reception and correct display of the switches. shave attention to 8,9,10 switches. also check transmission

You are amazing! I answered in the GitHub PR.

does this work with a real receiver?

The boom didn’t move with my two sub-files… :grimacing:

check again, slightly corrected the timings. now a complete repetition of the recorded signal. if the SDR recording does not work, it is possible that the remote control transmits to FM but the deviation is not 2.38k but another

Have you tried to accept the key fob on FM476?

Thank you very much! Need to wait until it’s built.

Here your recording:
SCW Schranke RAW FM476.sub (89.6 KB)

And another AM (because I made it by accident):
SCW Schranke RAW AM650.sub (23.6 KB)

As for recordings… I wasn’t able to open the boom with any raw recording so far… Will try again with more samples.

The last commit still didn’t open the boom.
But I finally got one raw file to actually open the boom:
SCW Schranke x5 5m FM.sub (155.4 KB) (already posted above)

If there is some tweaking of the code I can try just let me know.

They have a little bit different timings, marked with green original and red emulated.

no, you don’t need to look at it. it depends on the frequency of the crystal on the transmitter, the battery charge, the inaccuracy of the CC1101, and other factors.
it calculates how many cycles of the master oscillator were made at the moments of high or low levels (and ideally should be a multiple of the clock frequency)

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I see. I wonder what clock recordings are using, because that one recording seems to work. I guess it will use absolute times, so there is no error propagation…