Amiibo Emulation

I see flipper zero now has NFC coming, will it be able to emulate Amiibos? Thanks!


I imagine someone will write support for it at some point but it is too early to say if it will have this capability in february.

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Also asked here


Well, as far as I see it should

Amiibos require some of the ntags bytes be locked, so it depends if Flipper will be able to emulate those locked bits.


Perhaps it will be possible to clone amiibos with the clone NFC function, right? or it would require an specific hardware?

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Possibly. I’ve tried to find a way myself to emulate amiibo tags to a device but couldn’t figure it out. The only device i know that can emulate amiibo is the power tag, and i have no idea how the power tag does it. It definitely should be able to clone amiibo as long as it can clone n215 tags you’ll just need a small supply of them since they’re read only once you write an amiibo to them

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you can emulate amiboos with an android phone now too

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What? How do you do it?

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You can emulate Amiibo with Proxmark3 easy but proxmark3 took different approach compared to flipper zero.

Flipper zero uses TRF7970A to implement NFC function but Proxmark3 easy uses FPGA to implement NFC. Thus, proxmark3 is much more flexible(software(?) defined NFC) compared to Flipper zero’s one(hardware backed NFC)


Direct Mode 0 "Raw RF Sub-CarrierData Stream on the TRF7970A can emulate an Amiibo, so it should be possible. There are also apps to do this on an Android phone

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Looks like there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to Amiibo spoofing.

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Most of the solutions on offer are to write the amiibo to a rfid tag that you supply. I want to straight up emulate the amiibo itself. No tag.

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I would think so
You could probably upload them and download them from the internet to use with the Flipper

I’m having a little trouble locating the links, but there are complete Amiibo bin dumps floating around on the internet. I’m not sure how difficult it will be to take those files and emulate the NFC chip. There’s an android application which can write them to actual NFC “ntag215” cards, which may be of some interest in terms of seeing how it’s done:

Here is a “v4” dump - not sure how up to date this is:

This works so well. I got NTAG215 stickers for dirt cheap. Easier then you think.

Yeah, it’s quite easy to use the TagMo android app to write the actual NFC tags. I’m curious how difficult it would be to use the Flipper Zero to read and write these data files directly, eg can I keep a library of Amiibo files on the Flipper and write (and read) them directly to and from a Switch controller.


I just scanned an Amiibo with my flipper zero and it works fine. You can also emulate them and a Nintendo 3ds reads it just fine. So create your Amiibo list and save them all to the flipper :-).

Did you scan the actual amiibo toy or from a tag? I scanned a tag (that I know works since it works on my Switch) but cannot get it to be read from Flipper to the Switch

I read the Amiibo from a toy but I used the second read operation that let’s you pic from two options and I picked the bottom one on the flipper as using the normal read failed to emulate. But reading it this way emulated back to the Nintendo device just fine.